Welcome to Kroonstad Cell Church on the web
Who we are
We are a vibrant family Church with a passion for Christ, life and the community.
We are located in the CBD of Kroonstad and form part of TCN (The Christian Network).
We share the common vision of establishing God’s Kingdom in hearts, homes and beyond.
Our Vision
1)The equipping and mentoring of disciples
2)The equipping and releasing of leaders
3)Home cells
Our Mission
- Love the Lord
- Love one another
- make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded us.
Sunday services
Our Sunday service starts at 9h00. We are a family-orientated church, focused to keep Christ the center in all we do. From this foundation, we strive to equip people to successfully live out their Christianity in the marketplace and thus make a difference.

Home Cell Groups
During the week, usually Tuesday or Wednesday evenings from 18:30 - 20:00, we have smaller gatherings called Cell groups.
The purpose:
- Fellowship with one another in a homely atmosphere.
- It's a platform to share personal needs & struggles & ministry facilitation.
- Recapping our Sunday message and sharing practical ideas of Word application.
- Doing community projects as a cell group.
Please contact the Church office (056 212 4308) to find a Cell leader in your area.
Different Departments of Kroonstad Cell Church:
Our Kingdom Kids Sunday Service runs at the same time as our adult services (09h00 – 10h30). Kingdom Kids consists of:
- Toddler's Church: 3-6 years of age. (must be potty trained please.)
- Children’s Church: Primary School kids, Grades 1-7.
Here children are equipped to love and worship God through a personal relationship with Him, as well as practically serve God and live out their faith at home, school and church. This is done in a fun and creative way relevant to their age and understanding. We can assure you, that once your child has been to Kingdom kids, they will never want to miss it!
Click here to visit Kingdom Kids Facebook page.
Click over here to view our Kingdom Kids Lock down videos on YouTube!
The Worship Team
We have our own team that leads us in praise and worship before each service. This is a great place to serve and be part of the church and the DNA of Kroonstad Cell Church. If you have a musical talent and you would like to give back to God in your own talented way please feel free to speak to any of the worship leaders to get you in to be part of the worship team.
Vrystaat Kampe
Our Church is proud to be associated with Vrystaat Kampe which is a wonderful organization that hosts amazing camps all year round for men, women and married couples
Click here to visit the
Vrystaat Kampe website

Revolution Youth
The youth/high school students get together on Fridays at 18:30 in the Youth Center on the church premises and our youth pastor arranges for some exiting, educational, motivational and God inspired activities for the evening. This is a safe place where all teenagers can come together and have a good time learning about God's love and plan for them.
Click here to get to the Revolution Youth Facebook page!
CMA Chapter
Our Christian Motorcyclists Association focuses on spreading the Word of God to all and any motorcyclist enthusiasts. We are proud to announce that our Chapter is undergoing dedicated upgrades! So watch this space!
Click here to visit our CMA Kroonstad Facebook page.
Intercessory prayer is standing in the gap pleading to God for the needs of yourself and others. But it is also much more than that. Intercession also involves taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass.
If you are not part of a cell group yet and feel you need prayer please feel free to email our prayer group at: prayer@kroonstadcellchurch.co.za
Counselling / Prayer Therapy
We have people with a passion to help others to get through tough times and traumatic experiences by means of prayer therapy. Please reach out if you need help. It is not just your own life that is affected by your challenges but also the lives of others.
Contact the Church office (056-2124308) to be referred to a Prayer Therapist.
Events & Information:
Here you will be able to see what events, courses and functions will be happening, as well as get important information and current announcements

Contact us
Phone and Email
Tel: 056 212 4308
admin@kroonstadcellchurch.co.za (general infromation)
prayer@kroonstadcellchurch.co.za (for any prayer needed)
Postal detail:
P.O. Box 1512
Bank details:
Kroonstad Cell Church
Standard Bank
Cheque account
Acc no: 04 03 75 307
Branch: 055 436